Sunday, 6 November 2011

For those of you in San Francisco...

To all of you in the SF Bay Area... this might be of interest to you!

Saturday 19 November, Palace of the Legion of Honor (Florence Gould Theater), San Francisco, 2-3 pm: in support of the FAMSF exhibit "Pissarro's People," Dr. James Housefield will speak about the art on exhibit with special attention to the geographical concepts behind Pissarro's anarchist approach to Impressionism. (This lecture is free upon admission to the museum, and the Pissarro exhibition is really worth seeing for those who enjoy Impressionist or Post-Impressionist painting. Students with valid ID cards receive discounted admission. Advance tickets are available online for an additional $1 handling charge.)

Like his fellow impressionists, Camille Pissarro (1830–1903) found new types of beauty in the French landscape. Yet Pissarro forged a distinct approach to Impressionism through the integration of figures into the landscape. Pissarro's art thus paved new ways to depict the complex geographies of modern France. This illustrated lecture examines how Pissarro's idea of beauty embraced the human transformation of the landscape. 
James Housefield, a scholar of modern French art and design, teaches at the University of California, Davis. He has lectured to accompany the de Young's recent exhibitions Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne, and Beyond: Post-Impressionist Masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay, Balenciaga and Spain, and Picasso: Masterpieces from the Musée National Picasso, Paris. Housefield is completing a book about the inspiration of geography and astronomy for the art and design creations of Marcel Duchamp.

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